Experimental Animation and Video Art | Kids are(n't) Alright
UNIT.Verse | B.12

07.09 | 20:45



Childhood is an experience that shapes, traumatises, and inspires us. This programme evokes nostalgia while also overshadowing it: nightmares about home, the shock of encountering adult content for the first time, or seeing red marks in a school notebook. Some films remind us that children have the power to question the status quo, revealing the artificial facades of adults or igniting large-scale protests. The screening concludes with two parental perspectives — emotionally opposite but equally honest and touching.

Curated by Yuliia Kuznietsova.

Running time 80 min.

  • The Fifth Floor
    Tereza Burianová

    Czech Republic | 04:30 | 2023

    The film The Fifth Floor portrays a repetitive nightmare linked to a specific location, an apartment where the author spent the first twelve years of her life. The film works with elements of sleep paralysis and anxiety. By combining rotoscopy with old family photos and videos, the viewer has the opportunity to immerse himself into this dream.

    Daniela Figueroa, Santiago Agamez

    Colombia | 17:56 | 2023

    Through different platforms on the Internet, childhood experiences in the first decades of the 2000s are recreated, especially in online video games. The internet was our playground, so unfathomable and overwhelming since its invention. We exposed ourselves to simulations of various contents that remain in our memory. This is a letter of forgiveness to the friend who betrayed my trust.

  • A letter you will never get
    Danilo Lazovic, Jana Marinovic

    Serbia | 03:30 | 2024

    A young girls literary assignment found in the trash turned into a animated movie using other stuff people would throw in trash.

  • The Sunset Special 2
    Nicolas Gebbe

    Germany | 18:52 | 2024

    On this exclusive luxury cruise two families meet, while artificial facades dissolve, psychedelic dreamworlds unfold and the reality beyond superficial comfort is unveiled.

  • Swifts
    Ada Napiorkowski

    Estonia | 05:01 | 2024

    Like each year, the swifts are coming back to their homes in the sleeping districts. This time they don't find any humans. The space is filled with spirits.

  • Haunted Landscapes
    Valentina Berthelon

    Chile | 07:25 | 2023

    What began as a protest against the increase in the price of public transport turned within a few days into an unprecedented popular revolt against neoliberal policies in Chile. After months of protest, Santiago was filled with rubble, graffiti, and artistic interventions that showed the deep discomfort of the population with the structures of society. In this project I reconstruct Plaza de la Dignidad (the epicenter of the protest) and its surroundings using 3D scans and point clouds. In the context of the protests, hundreds of Chilean women appropriated the hoods, which became a symbol of their protest for equality but have a new identity factor.

  • Blue
    Violena Ampudia

    Cuba, Belgium | 17:00 | 2023

    Blue is the result of a collaborative process with women who have experienced postpartum depression. The director organizes a cyanotype workshop for these mothers to create their own images that illustrate their condition: from their fears, dreams and experiences through the different shades of blue.

  • Receiving Happiness
    Raito Low

    Taiwan | 06:04 | 2023

    "Receiving Happiness" is a common handwritten greeting used at the beginning of letters, expressing longing, care, and blessings for the recipient. On Matsu Island, people record the lives, thoughts, and emotions of residents and servicemen through handwritten letters. This letter-writing culture holds not only historical significance but also adds to the island's unique charm.