Special Screenings | Retrospective of Bady Minck. Programme 2
IZONE. Ground Floor

30.09 | 21:45

  • Mécanomagie
    Bady Minck

    Luxembourg | 1996 | 16:00

    Mécanomagie describes the ancient circle of sowing, growing and harvesting; a universe composed of religion, rituals and the mysterious powers of nature. The film invades the collective conscious of a landscape: the Ardennes in the northern part of Luxembourg. Simultaneously, the film tells us about the Jitzerten, humanoid beings zigzaging over trails and roads without being noticed by the indigenous inhabitants.

  • The Beauty is the Beast
    Bady Minck


  • In the Beginning was the Eye
    Bady Minck

    Austria, Luxembourg | 2003 | 45:00

    Imagine a portrait of Austria created by Jan Svankmajer and David Lynch: This will give you an idea of Bady Minck's fantastic film work In the Beginning was the Eye. When a writer investigates Austria through the images presented by postcards, the landscapes around Erzberg and Salzburg become something between a dream and a nightmare. And the words on the back of the cards seep into the scene as whispers. These are terrible and painful texts, written by unknown hands over the course of time. Tension develops between picture and text, culture and nature.