Professional burnout in creative work: how to prevent and overcome it
Professional burnout in creative work: how to prevent and overcome it
Halyna Sasyn

08.09 | 19:30 (EEST)

We going to talk aout identification and activation of values: awareness of one's place in a team; dealing with emotional states that burn and destroy us; dealing with oppressive thoughts and feelings; energy management competence for helpful action during a prolonged war. Halyna Sasyn - practical psychologist (cognitive behavioural, Schema and emotionally-focused couple therapy). Member of the Ukrainian Association of Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy, guest lecturer at "Krok" University. Co-founder and trainer of the D-Space training company. Leader of support groups for parents at the NGO "Angel's Care" and groups in the "Poruch" [Nearby] psychological project. Volunteer for the "Resilience Hub" platform for psychological support of Ukrainians in times of crisis.