Lectures and Workshops | Lectures and Workshops
UNIT.Coworking | B.9

LINOLEUM LECTORIUM will take place in the Coworking hall. Entrance is free by registration.

  • How was Ukrainian animation born and where is it kept?
    Aliona Penziy

    04.10 | 18:00

    Our first part of the lecture will focus on pioneers and experiments. We will also find out how Ukrainian animators in the 1920s made advertisements, propaganda, and children's stories, sometimes even combining all of them in a single artwork. We will also discuss the problems that Ukrainian animation faced and how it bothered and threatened the Soviet government. In the second part of the lecture, we will talk about how and where the animated film heritage is preserved today. What is the size and significance of the animation collection kept at the Dovzhenko Centre.

  • Animation education. The path of the artist.
    Oleh Malamuzh, Iryna Malamuzh, Borys Klymov

    04.10 | 19:00

    We will talk about possible ways to develop yourself in the animation industry from the initial steps to your own projects. We will consider the specifics of the development and training of a specialist depending on the choice and skills. We will tell you how to build a career in different areas of the animation industry.

  • Innovative methods in content production. AI for image and video generation, deepfake, neural scanning, virtual studios.
    Eugene Sannikov

    05.10 | 18:00

    This lecture will cover current content production technologies, including the use of AI for image and video generation. We will also focus on deepfake, neural scanning, and virtual studios. We will discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and ethical aspects of these innovations. The lecture emphasizes the impact of the latest methods on the media industry.

  • Current Approaches to Studying Children's Audience and Testing Animated Content.
    Oleksiy Shaldenko, Ph.D.

    05.10 | 19:00

    Wantent is a Ukrainian startup that uses artificial intelligence to analyse viewer reactions to video content. Wantent cooperates with content producers and distributors in Ukraine, Europe, and the US. Oleksiy will speak about: wantent's approach to studying children's audience and testing animated content; comparative analysis of the global phenomena of Bluey and Peppa Pig; the first testing of children's content using artificial intelligence in Ukraine – the animated series Useful Tips (PLUSPLUS TV channel) with Ivanna Naida, General Producer of the Niche Channels Department at 1+1 media.

  • Opportunities for financing animated content
    Lyubov Krokhmalna, Vadym Lysikov, Manon Duverger, Johannes Kagerer, Tetiana Hryschenko, Alex Kleymenov, Vira Kostenko-Kuznyetsova

    06.10 | 18:00 (ENG-UA)

    Producers, directors and young talents in the animation industry actively look for funding and support opportunities from various foundations and specialised institutions. This section will be devoted to a brief introduction to current funding programmes for Ukrainian animators. These days, apart from local projects, the animation industry makes every effort to establish co-production and cooperation with international partners. Therefore, we will focus on both local specialised programmes and international funds. Among them are Eurimages, CNC, ESFUF and USAID. The panellists will discuss the possibilities and terms of production funding, development, export and promotion. We will also briefly cover how and where to look for partners. The section will be moderated by Liubov Krokhmalna, head of the FILM.UA Group’s Investors Department.

  • Bouncing ball animation basics and its implementation in After Effects
    Nikita Savenko

    07.11 | 12:00 (UA)

    9 out of 10 applicants for animation jobs don't know how to make a bouncing ball. In this workshop, you will learn the fundamental principles of animation that will allow you to accomplish this task. We will look at the physical processes that govern this complex movement and how our perception affects the requirements for animation. You will learn how to technically implement a bouncing ball in After Effects, but the theoretical part will be valid for any program, even for classic hand-drawn animation and Stop-Motion.

  • Animation as a therapy during a full-scale war
    Mykyta Lyskov

    07.10 | 14:00 (UA-ENG)

    The past year and a half has been a real mental test for many Ukrainians. Mykyta Lyskov, an animation director from Dnipro, chose animation as a tool to distract himself from heavy emotions. During the talk, Mykyta will show his new works and share his experience of overcoming stress with the help of art.

  • CASES: Patron the Dog
    Sasha Ruban

    07.10 | 15:00 (UA)

    We will discuss what has the character’s journey started with? About Patron’s childhood and his interest in the rescuer’s profession, his hard work and dedication to people and vocation.
    Plots based on real life. Cooperation with celebrities and partners, Patron is the best casting director in the country. As well as talk about Patron’s numerous good deeds. The speaker is Sasha Ruban, the author of the idea, screenwriter and voice director of the "Patron the Dog" series, co-director and co-writer of "Mavka. The Forest Song".

  • CASES: Chuparskyi University
    Mykola Semeniuk, Mykhailo Karpan

    07.10 | 16:00 (UA-ENG)


    We'll talk about the production of the series with its creators Mykhailo Karpan and Mykola Semeniuk: about inspiration, how long it takes to write and animate episodes, whether self-censorship exists, financing, the attitude of friends and acquaintances, and much more.

  • Portfolio & Pitch – Kickstarting You & Your Animation
    Hsiang Chin Moe

    07.10 | 17:00

    This masterclass will go over the different stages of your career in animation by navigating from the classroom to the industry. It will further dive deeper into the tips and tricks of how to put together and polish your portfolio/reel as well as how to pitch your own original content/animation.

    Iryna Kostyuk, Anna Eliseeva, Tetyana Ruban

    08.10 | 14:00 (UA)

    Is it possible to repeat Mavka's success? How many people worked on the project, how the stars were involved, how the production process changed, how the promotional campaign was built, how partnerships were created, and the most successful cases of international distribution. We talk to the project's producers Iryna Kostiuk and Anna Eliseeva, as well as Tetyana Ruban, Head of Brand Licensing Business and Director of Nerd agency. Moderated by Alex Malyshenko.


  • CASES: YoYo. A toy turned into a rebel
    Michelle and Nicole Feldman (Feldman Sisters), Nadiia Ovdun, Nadiia Parfan — Phalanstery Films

    08.10 | 15:00 (UA-ENG)

    We will talk about the creation of the series, the attitude to artificial intelligence, cooperation with producers, ambitious projects, and creative clashes that may arise during their implementation. Michelle and Nicole Feldman are street artists who have decorated hundreds of buildings from Kharkiv to Paris with colorful characters. They experiment with painting, sculpture and illustration. Nadiia Ovdun is an advertising and YouTube producer. She has worked with Kyivstar, Samsung, Martini, and many others. Nadiia Parfan is a film director, screenwriter and creative producer. Her documentary films have been screened at Hot Docs and Visions du Reel. Her short fiction film "It's a Date" received a special mention at the Berlinale 2023. Moderated by Sasha Ruban.

  • Graduation filmmaking process from A to Z
    Éva Darabos

    08.10 | 16:00

    In this lecture Éva Darabos will discuss why the block of flats areas are so important for her and will offer a glimpse into where her inspiration was coming from to create her award-winning short animation, Bye Little Block! which received the Best Design Award at The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF), and won awards in Poznań and Barcelona. She will share her personal experiences about how the whole project started and how the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest and her crew helped her to develop the original idea into a graduation film. There are many aspects to discuss: technical steps, adapting to a new role, teamwork, communication. At the end she will share her feelings about film festivals, the afterlife of Bye Little Block! and her future plans and projects, including some pitching tips.

  • Meet Ukrainian animators who work at Disney
    Tory Polska, Nataliia Alekseieva, Bohdan Frantsishko

    08.10 | 09:00 (zoom, UA)

    An online meeting with Ukrainian animators who work for Disney. You have the opportunity to ask a question that we will answer during the meeting. The format is Q&A. The meeting will last 60 minutes.