Special Screenings | Animated Playtime, or When the Internet Moves Faster, Foreign Bodies by the Lake Have No Sleep
UNIT.Core | B.8

07.09 | 20:00



Animation art is an ever-evolving field where experiment and technology intersect, pushing the boundaries of what is visually possible. This dynamic relationship is particularly evident in transmedia projects, where the narrative's reflexivity invites audiences to engage with content across various platforms. As a form of self-referential art, animation continually redefines itself through the very technologies that propel its development, creating a feedback loop of innovation and creativity. The following selection includes films that use cutting-edge technologies of their times not for the sake of technology itself but rather as a playful device to undermine the conventions of form, medium, and perception.

Curated by Olga and Michał Bobrowski.

The screening is supported by the Polish Institute in Kyiv.

Running time 66 min.

  • Internet Gaga
    Reinhold Bidner

    Austria | 02:16 | 2023

    Once upon a time (not so long ago), we humans believed that we would create a free and democratic place of endless knowledge through the internet. Just a few downloads, swipes and dislikes later, we now know that we have failed massively. 4Real!

  • When Time Moves Faster
    Anna Vasof

    Austria, Canada, Greece | 06:30 | 2016

    A collection of four Non-Stop Stop-Motion film experiments, which follow a similar pattern. The beginning documents the setting and the action in real time and this action is then gradually (digitally) speeded-up to reveal the illusion that it creates.

  • No Sleep Won't Kill You
    Marko Meštrović

    Croatia | 09:00 | 2010

    What happens when dreams take control over reality? Possibly, it is a question of how to fight a system of forms, especially those regulating filmmaking of a documentary, animation, or fiction. One also has to fight themselves, the real guardians of conventions and formality. This experimental, voice-over led animated poem might be as well a diary meant for a psychoanalytical session.

  • Erodium Thunk
    Winston Hacking

    Canada | 02:50 | 2018

    The film was made specifically for a group show in Vienna (curated by Clint Enns and Madi Piller) titled From A to Z, that reflects on Micheal Snow’s 1956 animated film of the same name, and his multiplicity of approaches which fluidly transition between media and form.

  • By the Lake
    Patrick Bokanowski

    France | 05:46 | 1994

    "We are not at the side of any identifiable lake, we are swept up in a different sort of space-time context by the light, the movement and the colors that the place evoked in Patrick Bokanowski's mind." (Jacques Kermabon) The film was made with an optical array of pinholes, mirrors, prisms, and refractive substrates, and, paradoxically, for the viewer of the 2020s, it inevitably reminds of the aesthecis of an AI-assisted visual creation.

  • <Hello world/>
    Oleksandr Isaienko

    Ukraine | 08:30 | 2020

    Current instability of climate system impacts ice cores and rises global sea level, as well as changes human life. At the same time only data code of intelligent machines remains constant in the modern geography.

  • What Happens in Your Brain If You See a German Word Like…¿
    Zora Rux

    Germany | 05:00 | 2015

    A surreal trip into the world of an extremely long German word.

  • Abstronic
    Mary Ellen Bute

    USA | 06:10 | 1952

    I wanted to manipulate light to produce visual compositions in time continuity much as a musician manipulates sound to produce music. It was particularly while I listened to music that I felt an overwhelming urge to translate my reactions and ideas into visual form that would have the ordered sequence of music. - Mary Ellen Bute.

  • In a nutshell
    Fabio Friedli

    Switzerland | 05:34 | 2016

    From a seed to war, from meat to love, from indifference to apocalypse. An attempt to capture the world in a nutshell.

  • Foreign Bodies
    Nicolas Barult

    Canada | 04:12 | 2013

    Using light painting animation (video lightpainting), "Foreign Bodies" draws inspiration from the myth of the "transparent body," conveyed by modern medical imaging (CT, MRI, cryosection), to evoke a sense of strangeness that their own body can sometimes inspire.

  • La Spiritata
    Lillian F. Schwartz

    USA | 04:20 | 1976

    Music “Canzoni per sonar a quattro” by Giovanni Gabrieli, performed by Elizabeth Cohen, Max Mathews, and Gerard Schwarz. Images generated by computer.

  • 4 Min 15 in The Developer
    Moïa Jobin-Paré

    Canada | 04:44 | 2015

    A young woman and an urban landscape interact with each other. Developing images and intricacies by scratching and sewing them on again.

  • Media
    Zbigniew Rybczyński

    Poland | 01:35 | 1980

    The man in an editing room is flicking up the ball or rather its video image captured inside television screen. It was Rybczyński’s first adventure with hi-tech analog machinery which later would become essential for his experiments and researches.