Discussion «Female protagonist: contemporary trends in world animation»
Discussion «Female protagonist: contemporary trends in world animation»
Sasha Ruban, Oleg Malamuzh, Andriy Shcherbak, Olena Golubeva

/without translation/

What is the current situation of woman in animation in Ukraine and the world? Who is behind the curtains in contemporary animation world? What female images from the screen tell about a contemporary woman and which way they choose to do that? These and other questions will be raised during the discussion dedicated to the situation of woman in animation, a field which is constantly growing and therefore demanding equal involvement of women in animation production and development. A separate part of the conversation will be dedicated to the images of female protagonists in animated films, with stereotypical or, on the contrary, progressive directors’ visions. Ukrainian male and female directors of contemporary animation are to participate in this discussion, among them Sasha Ruban, Oleg Malamuzh, Andriy Scherbak, as well as Olena Golubeva, producer at Chervonyi Sobaka studio.