Current Approaches to Studying Children's Audience and Testing Animated Content.
Current Approaches to Studying Children's Audience and Testing Animated Content.
Oleksiy Shaldenko, Ph.D.

05.10 | 19:00

Wantent is a Ukrainian startup that uses artificial intelligence to analyse viewer reactions to video content. Wantent cooperates with content producers and distributors in Ukraine, Europe, and the US. Oleksiy will speak about: wantent's approach to studying children's audience and testing animated content; comparative analysis of the global phenomena of Bluey and Peppa Pig; the first testing of children's content using artificial intelligence in Ukraine – the animated series Useful Tips (PLUSPLUS TV channel) with Ivanna Naida, General Producer of the Niche Channels Department at 1+1 media.

Oleksiy Shaldenko, Ph.D. - CEO and co-founder of Wantent.