How was Ukrainian animation born and where is it kept?
How was Ukrainian animation born and where is it kept?
Aliona Penziy

04.10 | 18:00

Our first part of the lecture will focus on pioneers and experiments. We will also find out how Ukrainian animators in the 1920s made advertisements, propaganda, and children's stories, sometimes even combining all of them in a single artwork. We will also discuss the problems that Ukrainian animation faced and how it bothered and threatened the Soviet government. In the second part of the lecture, we will talk about how and where the animated film heritage is preserved today. What is the size and significance of the animation collection kept at the Dovzhenko Centre.

Speaker: Aliona Penziy is a film historian at the Dovzhenko Centre, film critic and cultural manager. Since 2018, she has been working at the Dovzhenko Centre. She specialises in researching the history of Ukrainian non-fiction cinema, including animation. Aliona has organised retrospectives of Ukrainian animation at international and Ukrainian venues (ANIMATOR, The Cinémathèque Française, StopTrik, LINOLEUM). She is a co-curator of the Future and Frontline Geographies film programmes at the Dnipro Centre for Contemporary Culture (DCCC). She is a member of the committee of the “KINOKOLO” NATIONAL FILM CRITICS AWARD and the author of film criticism pieces for, Ukrainska Pravda and other media.